Season 2 | Episode 22: tHE FABLE Of PiPi', PUPU' AND ROSMARY

Pipì, Pupù & Rosemary

Animation/Nature, Italy 2007

As always, Pipì, Pupù and Rosmary are travelling and, to keep them company, the Narrator decides to tell them a story about themselves. In the story our three little friends are travelling on a flying carpet and land at the castle of a Queen Bee. The bee, after having received them at her residence, tells them that Mapà is here, too, at the palace, together with her, and she sends for him. In the throne room Pipì, Pupù and Rosmary are understandably exited and emotional, but they are disappointed when, instead of meeting Mapà, they are presented with a lamp. The Queen Bee explains that she was forced to imprison Mapà inside the lamp because she feared he might usurp the throne, after which she hands the precious object over to our three little friends, telling them to go away from her palace as far as possible and, once there, to vigorously rub the lamp to make Mapà appear. And so Pipì, Pupù and Rosmary, happy as can be, climb back onto their little flying carpet and after having landed on a remote beach, decide to rub the lamp. To their great surprise, however, what comes out of the lamp is not Mapà but a representation of the three of them, as if to say Mapà is already in each and every one of them and that really they themselves are Mapà.
8 min
Starting at 6
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Enzo D'Alò


Enzo D'Alò

Sound Design:

Yann Wirthor

Original title:

Pipì, Pupù e Rosmarina

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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